a Preposition, a

  1. (used with infinitive verbs) the infinitive marker: to
    a fi
    to be
  2. (obsolete) at (now almost completely replaced by la)
  3. (used only with a few perception verbs like suna, mirosi, arăta) like, of

Appox. usage (any sense): 350000 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 350000 per million words

tine Pronoun, tine

  1. (direct object, preceded by preposition, such as pe, cu, la, or pentru) you
    te iubesc pe tine
    I love you

Appox. usage (any sense): 73000 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 73000 per million words

la Preposition, la

  1. at
    Suntem la Paris.
    We're at Paris.
  2. to, towards

Appox. usage (any sense): 12200 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 12200 per million words

al Pronoun, m, al

  1. of (masculine/neuter singular possessive or genitive article)
    el este un prieten al meu
    he is a friend of mine.

Appox. usage (any sense): 19700 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 19700 per million words

tu Pronoun, m, tu

  1. you (singular), thou

Appox. usage (any sense): 16100 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 16100 per million words

la Noun, m, la

  1. definition not found for this word

Appox. usage (any sense): 12100 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 12100 per million words

la Verb, la

  1. (uncommon) to wash (especially the head)
    Synonyms: se spăla, scălda, îmbăia

Appox. usage (any sense): 12100 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 12100 per million words

ruga Verb, ruga

  1. (transitive) to politely ask
    Rugăm pasagerii să își pună centurile de siguranță.
    We ask the passengers to fasten their seatbelts.
  2. (reflexive) to pray [+ la (object), deity (object)]
  3. (reflexive) to insistently or repeatedly ask [+ de (object), person (object)]

Appox. usage (any sense): 1330 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 1330 per million words

ajunge Verb, ajunge

  1. (transitive) to overtake, to catch up
    Radu îl ajunge pe Sandu.
    Radu is catching up with Sandu.
  2. (intransitive) to arrive [+ la (object)]
    Synonyms: veni, sosi
    Am ajuns la București la opt.
    We arrived in Bucharest at eight.
  3. (transitive with la) to reach
    Nu pot ajunge la telecomandă.
    I can’t reach the remote control.
  4. (intransitive) to suffice, to be enough
    Cât ai făcut nu ajunge.
    What you’ve done isn’t enough.
  5. (copulative) to become
    Synonyms: deveni
    A ajuns un om mare.
    He’s become a great/big man.

Appox. usage (any sense): 991 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 991 per million words

trece Verb, trece

  1. (intransitive) to pass by, through, etc. (enter and then leave an object’s vicinity or insides)
    Trece grăbit fără să salute.
    He passes hurriedly by without saying hello.
  2. (chiefly, intransitive, with, de) to have passed something (leave behind in one’s path)
    Șoferul a trecut de ieșirea pe autostrada fără să o observe.
    The driver passed the highway exit without noticing it.
    1. (intransitive, with, de) to exceed a value
      Luna aceasta temperaturile nu vor trece de 10 grade.
      Temperatures will not exceed 10 degrees this month.
    2. (intransitive, figurative) to leave behind, come to terms with something [+ peste (object)]
  3. (transitive) to cross a road, a river etc.
  4. (transitive) to take someone over, help cross something
    Bacul ne trece peste Dunăre.
    The ferry is taking us across the Danube.
  5. (intransitive, of time) to pass (go by)
  6. (intransitive) to pass (be in the past)
    1. (of a sensation, state, emotion) to be over, pass, cease, no longer be felt by someone [+ dative]
  7. (intransitive) approach a new action or subject [+ la (object)]
    a trece la fapte: to walk the walk
    După montare voi trece la vopsire.
    After putting it together, I’ll go on to paint it.
    trecem acum la experiența dumneavoastră profesională.
    Let’s now discuss your work experience.
  8. (intransitive) to change into a state
    Molecula trece în starea excitată.
    The molecule enters an excited state.
    A trecut de la prieten la dușman.
    He went from friend to enemy.
  9. (intransitive) to make a visit, come over [+ (pe) la (object), person or place (object)]
  10. (transitive) to keep track, enter, catalogue, register, list in writing [+ în (object), means of record (object)]
  11. (ambitransitive) to pass a test
  12. (transitive, informal) to pass a student
  13. (copulative) to pass for [+ drept (object)]
  14. (intransitive, colloquial, chiefly, imperative, potentially rude) to go, move
    Treci înapoi în bancă.
    Back to your desk.
  15. (intransitive, less common) to turn into, develop into [+ în (object)]
  16. (reflexive, of produce) to become overripe, go out of season
  17. (reflexive, chiefly in the negative, obsolete, rare, of an endeavour) to succeed for someone [+ dative]
  18. (reflexive, most­ly, _, obsolete, of deceit or claims) to be believed

Appox. usage (any sense): 826 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 826 per million words

gândi Verb, gândi

  1. (intransitive) to think (use one’s faculty of thought)
  2. (reflexive) to think (be in thought)
  3. (reflexive) to think about [+ la (object), noun (object)]
  4. (reflexive, with subordinate sentence) to think of doing something (to intend)
    gândesc să mănânc ceva.
    I’m thinking of eating something.
  5. (transitive, colloquial) to give thought to something, do something intently and with skill

Appox. usage (any sense): 698 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 698 per million words

folosi Verb, folosi

  1. (transitive) to use, employ
  2. (intransitive, of things) to serve [+ la (object)]
  3. (transitive) to be of use [+ la (object)]

Appox. usage (any sense): 402 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 402 per million words

ridica Verb, ridica

  1. to lift, elevate, raise, hoist, suspend
    Synonyms: înălța
  2. to increase
  3. to uplift
  4. (reflexive) to get up, stand up, arise
    Synonyms: scula
  5. (reflexive, formal, of, amounts) to amount, add up to [+ la (object)]
  6. (reflexive, rather, _, archaic) to recover from a disease
  7. (transitive, mostly, obsolete) to heal, cure
    Synonyms: Thesaurus:vindeca

Appox. usage (any sense): 195 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 195 per million words

rând Noun, n, rând

  1. row
  2. line (of text)
  3. (especially, with, în, la) line, queue
  4. (often, with, în, figurative) ranks
    • , Ion Luca Caragiale, “Termitele…”:
      Pe termitele acestea, naturaliștii le numără în rândul insectelor, cum zic ei, nevroptere...: Naturalists assign these termites to the ranks of the—as they call them—neuropteran insects...
  5. (with, în, relatively, _, uncommon) occasion, time
  6. turn, succession
    • 1882, Petre Ispirescu (gatherer), “Prâslea the Brave and the Golden Apples”:
      ― Acum e rândul meu să mă las în prăpastie, zise Prâslea, văzând că frații cei mari se codesc.: “Now it's my turn to go down into the chasm,” said Prâslea, seeing his bigger brothers hesitating.
  7. order, sequence
  8. (with, ordinal numbers) denoting the order of importance, as in firstly or lastly
    • 1990, Proclamation of Timișoara, article 10:
      De asemenea, acțiunile unei întreprinderi se cuvin oferite spre cumpărare în primul rând lucrătorilor ei.: Additionally, a company's stocks are to be offered for sale to its employees first and foremost.

Appox. usage (any sense): 162 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 162 per million words

ține Verb, ține

  1. (transitive) to hold
  2. (reflexive) to hold on [+ de (object)]
    Pasagerii care stau in picioare în tramvai pot să se țină de bară.
    The passengers standing up in the tram may hold on to the pole.
  3. to be a part of a whole, to be subordinate in a system, to belong [+ de (object)]
    Synonyms: depinde
    Alaska ține de Statele Unite.
    Alaska is part of the United States.
  4. (transitive, of, a mental state, the pursuit of an activity, or) to last for someone
    Te mai ține mult supărarea?
    Will you be angry for much longer?
    literally Does your anger last a lot any longer?
    Actoria l-a ținut trei ani.
    He lasted three years in acting [before giving up].
    Îmi place mult mai mult telefonul acesta fiindcă mă ține bateria.
    I like this phone much more because the battery lasts me.
  5. to treasure, to hold dear [+ la (object)]
  6. (with subordinate clause) to insist or find it important to do something
  7. to be up to someone (able to be influenced) [+ de (object)]
    Synonyms: depinde
    Te pot ajuta cu depunerea dosarului, dar dacă va fi acceptat nu ține de mine.
    I can help you with submitting your application, but whether it will be accepted is not up to me.
  8. (transitive) to hold (organise or have take place)
    a ține un discurs: to hold a speech
  9. (impersonal, transitive, with subordinate clause, informal) to have the guts
    Nu te ține să sari?
    You don’t have the guts to jump?
  10. (informal) to support a side in a competition or conflict [+ cu (object)]
  11. (reflexive, informal) to follow someone, mostly in a negative sense [+ de//după (object)]
    Synonyms: se lua
  12. (intransitive, of deceit, informal, chiefly in the negative) to be believed

Appox. usage (any sense): 35.2 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 35.2 per million words

încurca Verb, încurca

  1. (transitive, or, reflexive, ;, literal) to tangle
  2. (reflexive) to get stuck or tangled (literally or figuratively)
  3. (transitive) to entangle, confuse, hamper, trouble, encumber, perplex, complicate
  4. (reflexive, or, transitive) to become or to render flustered, knowing not what to say
  5. (reflexive, chiefly in the negative) to bother with something
  6. (transitive) to mix up, confuse one for another
  7. (reflexive) make a blunder in confusion [+ la (object)]
  8. (informal, with placeholder o) to be in trouble
  9. (reflexive, now, informal) to get mixed up (involve oneself in a negative way, romantically or otherwise) [+ cu (object)]
  10. (transitive) to catch somebody in one’s web (get someone in one’s control)
  11. (reflexive, informal) to play around (act irresponsibly, not do a proper job)
  12. (reflexive, informal) to neglectfully linger somewhere
  13. (informal, with placeholder o, mostly construed with mai) to improvise clumsy solutions for the moment, make do
    1. (colloquial, by extension) to lead a precarious life
  14. (Western, _, Transylvania, rare, of animals) to live
  15. (archaic, or, regional, transitive) to trample crops
  16. (obsolete) to plot, scheme

Appox. usage (any sense): 20.4 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 20.4 per million words

leu Noun, n, leu

  1. lion
  2. leu (the Romanian unit of currency)

Appox. usage (any sense): 16.4 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 16.4 per million words

rugă Noun, f, ru

  1. (archaic) request
    Synonyms: rugăminte
  2. (clerical, poetics) prayer, supplication
    Synonyms: rugăciune

Appox. usage (any sense): 15.6 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 15.6 per million words

lăut Noun, n, ut

  1. wash

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.06 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.06 per million words

tină Noun, f, ti

  1. (popular) mud, earth
    Synonyms: noroi, nămol, glod

Appox. usage (any sense): 2480 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 2480 per million words

ăl Determiner (Pronoun), m, ăl

  1. (uncommon, informal, popular) that
    Synonyms: ăla, cel

Appox. usage (any sense): 12200 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 12200 per million words

ăl Pronoun, m, ăl

  1. (uncommon, informal, popular) the
    Synonyms: cel

Appox. usage (any sense): 12200 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 12200 per million words

floare la ureche Adjective, floare la ureche

  1. (idiomatic) piece of cake
    Testul a fost floare la ureche.
    The test was a piece of cake.

Usage unknown

Usage unknown

da drumul Verb, da drumul

  1. (with, dative, or, la) to let go, free, give freedom of movement
    • 1921, The Bible (translated by Dumitru Cornilescu), Genesis 8:8<sup>[https://ebiblia.ro/app/index.html?ebiblia#read/vdcc/Gen/8/8]</sup>:
      A dat drumul și unui porumbel, ca să vadă dacă scăzuseră apele de pe fața pământului.: Also he sent forth a dove from him, to see if the waters were abated from off the face of the ground.
    Te rog dă‑mi drumul la mână.
    Please let go of my arm.
  2. to turn on, get something going
  3. (with placeholder îi, especially, imperative) to move it
  4. (reflexive) to get oneself going, to get rid of an inhibition
    Stai că nu‑mi merge pixul—a, și‑o dat drumul.
    Wait, my pen isn't working—oh, it got going.
  5. (reflexive) to let go and allow oneself to fall
  6. (reflexive, vulgar) to ejaculate

Usage unknown

Usage unknown

lăut Adjective, ut

  1. definition not found for this word

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.372 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.372 per million words

lău Adjective, lău

  1. definition not found for this word

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.165 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.165 per million words

a modal auxiliary, a

  1. modal auxiliary
    (he/she) has...
    A văzut acest film?
    Has he/she seen this film?

Appox. usage (any sense): 350000 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 350000 per million words