(transitive) to take
Aș dori să
iau prânzul cu tine.
I would like to have lunch with you.
Ia-mă cu tine.
Take me with you.
(transitive, informal) synonym of cumpăra (to buy)
Ce vrei să-ți
iau de la magazin?
What do you want me to buy you from the store?
(intransitive) to take (to use up time)
Cât îți
ia să ajungi?
How long does it take you to arrive?
(transitive) to pass an examination
(transitive, of mental or physical states, informal) to come upon somebody
ia tristețea când mă gândesc la asta.
I get sad (literally, “sadness comes upon me”) when I think about it.
Pe mulți îi
ia strănutul când intră în atelierul de vopseluri.
Many start sneezing (literally, “sneeze comes upon many”) when they enter the paint workshop.
(transitive) to approach or act towards a person or a situation in a certain way
a (o) lua încet/ușor (pe cineva): to go easy/slowly (on someone)
a lua la bătaie: to give a beating
a lua în serios: to take seriously
De ce mă
iei așa acuzator?
Why are you acting so accusatory towards me?
(with placeholder o) to go, head, take to, move
a o lua la vale: to (inertly) go downhill
o lua înainte: to go ahead, in advance
După ce-ajungi în intersecție, trebuie s-o
iei la stânga.
After reaching the intersection, you must head left.
(reflexive) to follow someone, often covertly [+ după (object)]
(reflexive) to take after someone (follow someone’s example) [+ după (object)]
(reflexive) to be caught up, occupied [+ cu (object)]
luasem cu altele și am uitat.
I’d got caught up in other things and forgot.
(reflexive, colloquial) to mess with someone (act aggressively) [+ de (object)]
Appox. usage (any sense): 2240 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 2240 per million words
(intransitive) to pass by, through, etc. (enter and then leave an object’s vicinity or insides)
Trece grăbit fără să salute.
He passes hurriedly by without saying hello.
(chiefly, intransitive, with, de) to have passed something (leave behind in one’s path)
Șoferul a
trecut de ieșirea pe autostrada fără să o observe.
The driver passed the highway exit without noticing it.
(intransitive, with, de) to exceed a value
Luna aceasta temperaturile nu vor
trece de 10 grade.
Temperatures will not exceed 10 degrees this month.
(intransitive, figurative) to leave behind, come to terms with something [+ peste (object)]
(transitive) to cross a road, a river etc.
(transitive) to take someone over, help cross something
Bacul ne
trece peste Dunăre.
The ferry is taking us across the Danube.
(intransitive, of time) to pass (go by)
(intransitive) to pass (be in the past)
(of a sensation, state, emotion) to be over, pass, cease, no longer be felt by someone [+ dative]
(intransitive) approach a new action or subject [+ la (object)]
a trece la fapte: to walk the walk
După montare voi
trece la vopsire.
After putting it together, I’ll go on to paint it.
trecem acum la experiența dumneavoastră profesională.
Let’s now discuss your work experience.
(intransitive) to change into a state
trece în starea excitată.
The molecule enters an excited state.
trecut de la prieten la dușman.
He went from friend to enemy.
(intransitive) to make a visit, come over [+ (pe) la (object), person or place (object)]
(transitive) to keep track, enter, catalogue, register, list in writing [+ în (object), means of record (object)]
(ambitransitive) to pass a test
(transitive, informal) to pass a student
(copulative) to pass for [+ drept (object)]
(intransitive, colloquial, chiefly, imperative, potentially rude) to go, move
Treci înapoi în bancă.
Back to your desk.
(intransitive, less common) to turn into, develop into [+ în (object)]
(reflexive, of produce) to become overripe, go out of season
(reflexive, chiefly in the negative, obsolete, rare, of an endeavour) to succeed for someone [+ dative]
(reflexive, mostly, _, obsolete, of deceit or claims) to be believed
Appox. usage (any sense): 826 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 826 per million words
to move, shift
(reflexive) to move to, relocate
Appox. usage (any sense): 169 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 169 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 19 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 19 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 37.5 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 18 per million words
(transitive) to move (a body part, an object)
a mișca din loc: (manage to) move something from its place (with difficulty)
Poți să îți
miști degetul mic fără să
miști degetul inelar?
Can you move your little finger without moving the ring finger?
Ai grijă să nu
miști masa.
Take care you don’t disturb the table.
De-abia am reușit să
mișcăm tractorul.
We hardly managed to move the tractor.
(reflexive) to move (change position)
Mi se
mișcă un dinte.
I’ve got a loose tooth.
Ceva se aude
Something can be heard moving.
(intransitive, chiefly in the negative) to move (make a movement with a body part)
mișca și părea mort.
It wasn’t moving and seemed dead.
Când se uită la tine, nu îndrăznești nici să
When he’s looking at you, you dare not even move.
Veghează-l pe pacient și dacă
mișcă să-mi spui.
Watch the patient and tell me if he makes any movement.
(intransitive, or, reflexive, in the, _) get going, move one’s ass
(transitive, figurative) to move (inspire strong feelings in someone)
Appox. usage (any sense): 20.7 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 20.7 per million words
(transitive) to remove, move away, move to a distance
(transitive) to divert
(transitive) to distance from; deviate from
(reflexive) to remove oneself, move oneself away
Appox. usage (any sense): 13.8 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 13.8 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 0.592 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 0.426 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 0.201 per million words
to move
Appox. usage (any sense): 0.03 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 0.03 per million words
to move
Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words
fast move
Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words
sudden move or jump
Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words
Usage unknown
(obsolete) to move
Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words