la Preposition, la

  1. at
    Suntem la Paris.
    We're at Paris.
  2. to, towards

Appox. usage (any sense): 12200 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 12200 per million words

spre Preposition, spre

  1. to, towards (spatially)
    Pornesc spre școală.
    I'm setting off for school.
  2. towards, around (temporally)
    Spre iarnă.
    Towards winter.
  3. for, in order to
    Synonyms: pentru, ca să
    Se duce spre a cerceta personal.
    He/she is going in order to investigate himself/herself.
  4. to (Used to indicate a resulting feeling or emotion.)
    Synonyms: încât
    I-a dăruit o carte spre marea lui bucurie.
    He/she gifted him a book to his big delight.
  5. Used to form the Romanian numbers from 11 to 19.

Appox. usage (any sense): 352 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 352 per million words

înspre Preposition, înspre

  1. towards, to

Appox. usage (any sense): 9.12 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 9.12 per million words