pune Verb, pune

  1. (transitive) to put
    a pune deoparte: to set aside, apart
    a pune o întrebare (cuiva): to ask (someone) a question
    a pune la lucru: to put to work
  2. (transitive, colloquial) to plant for cultivation
  3. (reflexive) to lie or seat oneself
    Nu mă pun jos pentru că e udă iarba.
    I’m not lying down, because the grass is wet.
    Toată lumea se pusese pe bănci.
    Everyone had sat down on the benches.
  4. (transitive) to have or make someone do something by means of authority
  5. (reflexive, colloquially with pe) to begin an activity, get to doing something
    Când te pui să-mi faci și mie unul?
    When are you getting to making me one?
    Mâine o să mă pun pe învățat.
    I’ll begin learning tomorrow.
  6. (reflexive, colloquial) to take on, mess with someone [+ cu (object)]
  7. (slang, with placeholder o, with, dative, or) to have sex
    I-o pune <span lang
    She has sex with him.
  8. (with placeholder o) ellipsis of o pune de mămăligă (to mess up, get in trouble)

Appox. usage (any sense): 1070 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 1070 per million words

începe Verb, începe

  1. to start, begin, to commence
    Antonyms: sfârși, termina, opri

Appox. usage (any sense): 825 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 825 per million words

lăsa Verb, lăsa

  1. (transitive) to leave
    Am lăsat cartea acasă.
    I left the book at home.
    L-am lăsat liber.
    I set him free.
    O să îți las ție casa.
    I’ll leave the house to you.
  2. (transitive) to let, to allow
    Lasă-mă să-ți arăt.
    Let me show it to you.
  3. (transitive) to drop, let go
  4. (reflexive) to buckle, droop, sag, tilt, show signs of being about to fall
  5. (ERROR_2) to not mind, not worry
  6. (reflexive, of moments of the day or weather) to give way, begin
    Se lasă seara.
    It's getting dark.
  7. (reflexive) to give up something, whether good or bad [+ de (object)]
    S-a lăsat de fumat, dar s-a lăsat și de alergat.
    He did give up smoking, but he also gave up running.
  8. (informal, transitive) short for lăsa în pace (leave alone)

Appox. usage (any sense): 856 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 856 per million words

apuca Verb, apuca

  1. (transitive) to grab, grip, grasp, seize
  2. (reflexive, somewhat, informal) to start, endeavour, begin to do something [+ de (object)]
    a se apuca de treabă: to get to work
  3. (catenative, rather, informal) to get to do something
  4. (transitive) to live to see something, either by living long enough or by being born early enough
    Copilul nu l-a apucat pe străbunicul său.
    The child didn’t get to meet his great-grandfather.
  5. (transitive, now, uncommon) to have a tradition be passed down
  6. (transitive, of a point in time, informal) to catch someone unready
    a îl apuca seara: to not be done by nightfall
    Pe constructori o să îi apuce iarna și tot nu o să fie gata.
    Winter will come and the builders still will not be ready.
  7. (intransitive, or, transitive, _, with placeholder o) to head
  8. (transitive, of a mental state or physical manifestation, informal) to come upon somebody
    a îl apuca plânsul: to start crying
  9. (transitive, of an out of line behaviour, informal) to come upon somebody
    a îl apuca pandaliile: to throw a fit
    Te-a apucat să fluieri? Fă liniște!
    Did you suddenly think to whistle? Shut up!
  10. (reflexive, obsolete) to take it upon oneself
  11. (transitive, obsolete) to usurp, take for oneself

Appox. usage (any sense): 74.6 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 74.6 per million words

purcede Verb, purcede

  1. (popular) to proceed, begin, start, set out
    Synonyms: începe, porni, proceda
  2. to come from, originate in
    Synonyms: proveni, izvorî

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.396 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.396 per million words