lua Verb, lua

  1. (transitive) to take
    Aș dori să iau prânzul cu tine.
    I would like to have lunch with you.
    Ia-mă cu tine.
    Take me with you.
  2. (transitive, informal) synonym of cumpăra (to buy)
    Ce vrei să-ți iau de la magazin?
    What do you want me to buy you from the store?
  3. (intransitive) to take (to use up time)
    Cât îți ia să ajungi?
    How long does it take you to arrive?
  4. (transitive) to pass an examination
  5. (transitive, of mental or physical states, informal) to come upon somebody
    ia tristețea când mă gândesc la asta.
    I get sad (literally, “sadness comes upon me”) when I think about it.
    Pe mulți îi ia strănutul când intră în atelierul de vopseluri.
    Many start sneezing (literally, “sneeze comes upon many”) when they enter the paint workshop.
  6. (transitive) to approach or act towards a person or a situation in a certain way
    a (o) lua încet/ușor (pe cineva): to go easy/slowly (on someone)
    a lua la bătaie: to give a beating
    a lua în serios: to take seriously
    De ce mă iei așa acuzator?
    Why are you acting so accusatory towards me?
  7. (with placeholder o) to go, head, take to, move
    a o lua la vale: to (inertly) go downhill
    o lua înainte: to go ahead, in advance
    După ce-ajungi în intersecție, trebuie s-o iei la stânga.
    After reaching the intersection, you must head left.
  8. (reflexive) to follow someone, often covertly [+ după (object)]
  9. (reflexive) to take after someone (follow someone’s example) [+ după (object)]
  10. (reflexive) to be caught up, occupied [+ cu (object)]
    luasem cu altele și am uitat.
    I’d got caught up in other things and forgot.
  11. (reflexive, colloquial) to mess with someone (act aggressively) [+ de (object)]

Appox. usage (any sense): 2240 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 2240 per million words

duce Verb, duce

  1. (transitive) to carry, lead, take
    Trebuie să fie duși copiii la școală.
    The children must be taken to school.
  2. (intransitive) to lead, to go
    Drumul ăsta duce la casa mea.
    This road leads to my house.
  3. (reflexive) to go
    Mă duc acasă.
    I’m going home.
  4. (reflexive, figuratively) to die
  5. (transitive, or, intransitive, ;, mildly) to withstand, handle, weather, deal with
    O să-ți dau de lucru de să nu poți duce.
    I’ll give you so much to do that you won’t be able to take it.

Appox. usage (any sense): 1400 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 1400 per million words

na Interjection, na

  1. here you are! take it!

Appox. usage (any sense): 380 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 380 per million words

prelua Verb, prelua

  1. to take over

Appox. usage (any sense): 60.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 60.1 per million words

poza Verb, poza

  1. to pose
  2. to take a photo

Appox. usage (any sense): 83.7 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 83.7 per million words

luare Noun, f, luare

  1. take; an act of taking

Appox. usage (any sense): 6.38 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 6.38 per million words

preleva Verb, preleva

  1. to take out a sample
  2. (transitive, medicine) to take (blood), remove (an organ), harvest (an organ)

Appox. usage (any sense): 1.95 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 1.95 per million words

susține Verb, susține

  1. (transitive) to support (keep in position)
    Synonyms: sprijini, propti, rezema, ține
    Un stâlp susține poarta.
    A pillar supports the door.
  2. (transitive) to support (to be in support of)
    Synonyms: sprijini, apăra
    A susținut cauza revoluției.
    He supported the revolution’s cause.
  3. (transitive) to support (lend credibility to)
    Synonyms: afirma, sprijini
    Mărturisirea lui susține teoria ta.
    His admission supports your theory.
  4. (transitive, or, reflexive) to support, sustain others, respectively oneself (help by material means)
    Synonyms: ajuta, întreține
  5. (intransitive) to claim, affirm
    Synonyms: afirma, declara, pretinde
    Ea poate susține că a fost autoapărare.
    She can claim that it was self-defense.
  6. (transitive, formal) to undergo, take an evaluation
    Synonyms: da
    Mai mult de o sută de mii de liceeni vor susține examenul de bacalaureat.
    More than a hundred thousand high schoolers will take the Baccalaureate exam.
  7. (transitive) to hold a presentation, present
    a își susține lucrarea de licență: to defend one’s bachelor thesis
    Invitați din mai multe țări susțin conferințe.
    Guests from various countries are holding conferences.

Appox. usage (any sense): 5.17 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 5.17 per million words

îmbuca Verb, îmbuca

  1. to eat quickly, gobble up, tongue, swallow, lap
  2. to take, have
  3. to interlock, mesh

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.156 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.156 per million words

gâmba Verb, gâmba

  1. to take by surprise, surprise, grab, catch
    Synonyms: surprinde, apuca, prinde, găbui

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words