Appox. usage (any sense): 868 per million words
trage Verb, trage ▼ ▶
- (transitive) to pull, draw, drag
- (transitive) to draw (exert a force on a fluid by means of negative pressure)
(ambitransitive, see usage notes) to shoot [+ în//la (object)]
a trage cu pușca: to shoot a gun
- (transitive) to draw a line
(transitive, now, uncommon) to weigh (have a weight)
Synonyms: cântări
(reflexive, of animate or inanimate subjects) to have one’s origins, to stem from
Toate cuvintele din propoziția aceasta se trag din limba latină.All the words in this sentence originate from the Latin language.
(reflexive, of, a physical, or, character trait) to stem from, owe itself to [+ dative]
De la cine i se trage copilului părul creț?From whom did the child get his curly hair from?Zgârcenia i se trage din creștere.His stinginess stems from his upbringing.Cicatricea asta mi se trage dintr-o căzătură cu motocicleta.This scar is from a fall off a motorcycle.
- (intransitive, now, uncommon) to stay, lodge
- (transitive, now, uncommon) to station a means of transport
- (intransitive, now, uncommon, of, a means of transport) to pull up
- (transitive, slang) to smoke, puff
- (transitive) to swing a mounted bell
(reflexive, with placeholder o, vulgar, see usage notes) to bang, to fuck (have sex) [+ dative]
Cum intru cu ea în cameră, o să ne-o tragem.Once I go in the room with her, we're gonna bang.
(transitive, colloquial) Indicates an intensive, sometimes aggressive action, often directed to someone. [+ dative]
a îi trage o palmă: to slap someonea trage o bășină: to farta îi trage o bătaie: to give a beatinga trage un pui de somn: to have a napa îi trage un picior: to hit with one’s foot
(intransitive, now, informal) to exert oneself, take pains, suffer for a goal
Mult o să tragi până termini facultatea.You’ll suffer a lot by the time you finish college.
- (reflexive, obsolete) synonym of se târî (to crawl)
- (reflexive, obsolete) to act physically flirtatious with someone [+ cu (object)]
Appox. usage (any sense): 374 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 374 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 116 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 21 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 0.093 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 0.45 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 120 per million words
babardeală Noun, f, babardeală
- (slang, vulgar) fuck, sexual intercourse
Appox. usage (any sense): 0.042 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 0.042 per million words
bag pula Phrase, bag pula ▼ ▶
(vulgar, idiomatic) fuck... motherfuck... (used to show great displeasure against someone or something)
Și bag pula în ele politici!And fuck the politics!
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
băga-mi-aș pula Phrase, băga-mi-aș pula ▼ ▶
(vulgar, idiomatic) fuck... motherfuck... (used to show great displeasure against someone or something)
Băga-mi-aș pula în rasa ta!Fuck your race!
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
dumnezeii mă-sii Adverb, dumnezeii mă-sii ▼ ▶
(vulgar, blasphemous) the fuck (used as an intensifier after interrogative pronouns)
Când dumnezeii mă-sii o să primesc răspunsul la întrebarea mea?When the fuck am I going to get the answer to my question?
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
morții mă-sii Adverb, morții mă-sii ▼ ▶
(vulgar) the fuck (used as an intensifier after interrogative pronouns)
Unde morții mă-sii este mănușa mea preferată?Where the fuck is my favorite glove?
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
pizda mă-sii Adverb, pizda mă-sii ▼ ▶
(vulgar) the fuck (used as an intensifier after interrogative pronouns)
Ce pizda mă-sii se petrece aici?What the fuck is going on here?
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
slobozi-m-aş Interjection, slobozi-m-aş
- (vulgar) fuck
Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words
să-mi bag pula Phrase, să-mi bag pula ▼ ▶
(vulgar, idiomatic) fuck... motherfuck... (used to show great displeasure against someone or something)
Oh, să-mi bag pula în filmul ăsta!Oh, fuck this movie!
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
îmi bag pula Phrase, îmi bag pula ▼ ▶
(vulgar, idiomatic) fuck... motherfuck... (used to show great displeasure against someone or something)
Îmi bag pula în viață.Fuck living.
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
muie Noun, f, muie ▼ ▶
(vulgar, idiomatic) fuck you, fuck y'all
Muie, David!Fuck you, David!
(vulgar, Used to express displeasure with something) fuck
Muie la legi!Fuck the laws!
Appox. usage (any sense): 1.36 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 1.36 per million words
bag pula Interjection, bag pula ▼ ▶
(vulgar, idiomatic) fuck, for fuck's sake, fucking hell
Bag pula, am căzut.Fuck, I fell.
- (vulgar, idiomatic) fuck it, fuck this, fuck that, fuck this shit
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
băga-mi-aș pula Interjection, băga-mi-aș pula ▼ ▶
(vulgar, idiomatic) fuck, for fuck's sake, fucking hell
Lasă-mă-n pace, băga-mi-aș pula!Leave me alone, for fuck's sake!
- (vulgar, idiomatic) fuck it, fuck this, fuck that, fuck this shit
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
dumnezeii mă-sii Interjection, dumnezeii mă-sii ▼ ▶
(vulgar, blasphemous) fuck, goddamn, fuck it (used to express dismay, disappointment or anger)
Dumnezeii mă-sii, ce frig este afară!Goddamn, it's so cold outside!
(vulgar, blasphemous) holy shit, fucking hell (used to express shock)
Dumnezeii mă-sii, ce surpriză neașteptată.Fucking hell, what an unexpected surprise.
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
morții mă-sii Interjection, morții mă-sii ▼ ▶
(vulgar) fuck, motherfuck, fuck it (used to express dismay, disappointment or anger)
Morții mă-sii, am uitat să închid geamul!Fuck, I forgot to close the window!
(vulgar) holy shit, fucking hell (used to express shock)
Nu pot să cred că ai spus asta, morții mă-sii!I can't believe you said that, holy shit!
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
pizda mă-sii Interjection, pizda mă-sii ▼ ▶
(vulgar) fuck, motherfuck, fuck it (used to express dismay, disappointment or anger)
Pizda mă-sii, e destul.Fuck it, it's enough.Stai ce? Pizda mă-siiǃWait what? Motherfuckǃ
(vulgar) holy fuck, fucking hell (used to express shock)
Vezi asta? Pizda mă-siiǃ Mă sperie foarte tare.Do you see this? Fucking hellǃ It scares me so bad.
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
pula mea Adverb, pula mea ▼ ▶
(vulgar) the fuck (used as an intensifier after interrogative pronouns)
Ce pula mea caut aici?What the fuck am I doing here?Cum pula mea ar trebui să fac asta?How the fuck am I supposed to do this?
(vulgar) fuck yeah (used to express agreement, pleasure, etc.)
Vrei să mergem la cinema? Pula meaǃDo you wanna go to the movie theather? Fuck yeahǃPula meaǃ Să mergem la pescuitǃFuck yeahǃ Let's go fishingǃ
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
pula mea Interjection, pula mea ▼ ▶
(vulgar) fuck, fuck it, fuck this shit (used to express dismay, disappointment or anger)
Pula mea, nu mai pot.Fuck it, I can't anymore.Au dispărut iar, pula meaǃThey disappeared again, fuckǃ
(vulgar) holy fuck, fucking hell (used to express shock)
Pula mea frate, A explodat mașinaǃHoly fuck brother, the car explodedǃAi văzut aia? Pula meaǃDid you see that? Fucking hellǃ
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
să-mi bag pula Interjection, să-mi bag pula ▼ ▶
(vulgar, idiomatic) fuck, for fuck's sake, fucking hell
Da' să-mi bag pula, bă.But fuck, man.
- (vulgar, idiomatic) fuck it, fuck this, fuck that, fuck this shit
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
îmi bag pula Interjection, îmi bag pula ▼ ▶
(vulgar, idiomatic) fuck, for fuck's sake, fucking hell
Să fiu sincer, Îmi bag pula.To be honest, fuck.
- (vulgar, idiomatic) fuck it, fuck this, fuck that, fuck this shit
Usage unknown
Usage unknown
fute Verb, fute ▼ ▶
- (vulgar) to fuck
- (vulgar) to annoy, bug, bother
(vulgar) to put oneself into, to undergo
Merg acasă să fut un duș.I'm going home to take a shower.
- (vulgar, reflexive) to not care, to not give a shit, to not give a fuck
Appox. usage (any sense): 20.1 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 20.1 per million words