ce Pronoun, ce

  1. what
    Ce vrei faci?
    What do you want to do?

Appox. usage (any sense): 400000 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 400000 per million words

Conjunction, că

  1. that
    Sperăm îți place casa nouă.
    We hope that you like the new house.
    A spus va fi la spital.
    He said that he will be at the hospital.
  2. (colloquial) for, because
    Synonyms: Thesaurus:deoarece
    Să dormim, e târziu.
    Let’s sleep, because it's late.
  3. (colloquial) or else
  4. (informal) synonym of încât

Appox. usage (any sense): 13000 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 13000 per million words

face Verb, face

  1. (transitive) to do, act
    ce vrei.
    Do what you want.
    Azi am făcut niște treburi obositoare.
    Today I did some tiring things.
    Ce faci când ajungi acasă?
    What do you do when you get home?
  2. (transitive) to make (construct, build, prepare, create, transform)
    Mama face mâncare.
    Mother is making food.
    Aici o să se facă niște case noi.
    Some new homes will be built here.
    În fiecare săptămână îmi fac programul.
    Every week I am making my schedule.
  3. (transitive) to cause someone to do something
    A făcut ușa să nu mai scârțâie.
    He made the door stop creaking.
    O să te fac să-ți pese.
    I’ll make you care.
    Când am văzut asta, m-a făcut să pufnesc în râs.
    When I saw this, it made me burst out laughing.
  4. (transitive) to make (render a certain way, turn into)
    Covorul face mersul în casă mai silențios.
    The carpet makes walking in the house less noisy.
    Camera asta o s-o facem sufragerie.
    We’ll make this room into a living room.
  5. (transitive, potentially, _, childish) give birth to someone
    Mama l-a făcut la 28 de ani.
    His mother had him at 28.
  6. (transitive) to develop a disease or certain physical features
  7. (transitive, colloquial) call names
  8. (transitive) to cover a certain distance
  9. (transitive, informal) to become a certain age
  10. (transitive) to turn one’s path to a certain direction
  11. (intransitive) to cost
  12. (impersonal, uncommon) to be advantageous, worth it to do something
  13. (intransitive) to imitate or pretend to be something else, mockingly, deceitfully or humorously [+ pe (object)]
  14. (reflexive) to pretend
  15. (reflexive) to become or turn into
  16. (reflexive) to become (adopt a career or path in life)
  17. (reflexive, idiomatic, colloquial) to acquire, get hold of something on short notice
  18. (reflexive, colloquial, mostly, imperative, somewhat) to come over immediately, get over here
  19. (reflexive, with ce in direct or indirect questions) to deal with a situation
  20. (reflexive) Introduces a narrative of a vision or a dream.
  21. (reflexive, of feelings or sensations) to arise, get hold of somebody
  22. (reflexive, impersonal) to get (become, change state)
    Se face târziu.
    It’s getting late.

Appox. usage (any sense): 8050 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 8050 per million words

numai Adverb, numai

  1. only (no more than)
    și nu numai: and more
    Trenul merge cu numai 60 km/h.
    The train is only going 60 km/h.
    În sertar sunt numai niște chei.
    In the cabinet there’s only some keys.
    Marea Depresie nu a afectat numai America.
    The Great Depression did not affect only America.
    1. (before predicate noun, sometimes with redundant tot, hyperbole) Indicates the subject to be characterised by an abundance of the respective noun: all
      numai zâmbet: all smiles
      Am mers desculț pe asfaltul fierbinte și acum picioarele-mi sunt numai bășici.
      I walked barefoot on the hot asphalt and now my feet are all blisters.
  2. only (exclusively)
    Intrarea este permisă numai personalului autorizat.
    Entry for authorised personnel only.
    Numai temperaturile extreme pot rupe legătura azotului molecular.
    Only extreme heat can break the bond of molecular nitrogen.
    Poți intra numai dacă prezinți biletul.
    You can only enter if you show your ticket.
  3. (informal, uncommon) almost, nearly, just about (of an event that was close to happening)
    Furtuna e foarte puternică și numai că nu doboară copacii.
    The storm is very powerful and it’s nearly striking down the trees.
    Mama numai n-a leșinat când a aflat.
    Mum almost fainted when she found out.
  4. (colloquial, in narration, optionally negated without change in meaning) suddenly, unexpectedly
    Mergeam cu el pe stradă, și numa-l văd cum cade într-o gură de canal.
    So I’m walking on the street with him, and I suddenly see him fall down a manhole.
  5. (with ce, optional adversative with , informal) only just (not long before)
    ―Cât mai ai de lucru? ―Numai ce am terminat.
    “How much work do you have left?” “I just finished.”
    În Rusia numai ce se încheiase Primul Război Mondial, că a și început Războiul Civil.
    The First World War had just ended in Russia, when the Civil War began.
  6. (informal, uncommon) just (quite)
    numai bun: just fine
  7. (rare) synonym of ci (but rather).
  8. (Banat, Transylvania) Follows an imperative, sometimes serving to point out the simplicity of the command or to disregard protest.

Appox. usage (any sense): 427 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 427 per million words

c Noun, n, c

  1. the letter c, being the fifth letter of the Romanian alphabet, called ce,

Appox. usage (any sense): 80.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 80.1 per million words

C Letter, C

  1. the letter C, being the fifth letter of the Romanian alphabet, called ce,

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

din ce în ce Adverb, din ce în ce

  1. (idiomatic) increasingly
    Un număr din ce în ce mai mare de oameni vorbesc engleză.
    An increasingly large number of people are speaking English.

Usage unknown

Usage unknown

de ce Adverb, de ce

  1. why
    Nu știu de ce plânge, dar a spus ceva despre o fată numită Sorina.
    I don't know why he's crying, but he said something about a girl named Sorina.
  2. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see ro, de, ce.
    De ce ai nevoie?
    What is it you need?

Usage unknown

Usage unknown

ce pula mea Pronoun, ce pula mea

  1. (vulgar) what the fuck (more intense way to say ce)
    ce pula mea faci?
    what the fuck are you doing?
    ce pula mea vrei?
    what the fuck do you want?

Usage unknown

Usage unknown