tot Adverb, tot

  1. (temporal) still
    Mai avem o oră și tot nu suntem gata.
    We have an hour left and we still aren’t ready.
  2. nevertheless, still, anyway
    Nu aveam voie, dar tot m-am dus.
    I wasn’t allowed to, but still went.
    1. (informal, in justifications) anyway (introduces circumstances favourable to the fulfillment of a request)
      Dacă tot n-avem ce căuta aici, hai să plecăm acasă.
      Since we have no business here anyway, let’s go home.
  3. Indicates that a notion or quality is the same as one previously known.
    tot așa de: just as, to the same degree
    Tot eu sunt.
    It’s me again.
  4. (somewhat, informal) repeatedly, unceasingly, all the time, habitually, constantly
  5. exclusively, only
  6. every (expressing periodicity)
  7. (modifying mai) increasingly (yielding <q>more and more</q>, <q>ever more</q>)
  8. (informal, slightly, dated) let’s say, approximately, about

Appox. usage (any sense): 1700 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 1700 per million words

încă Adverb, încă

  1. still, yet
    El este încă ocupat.
    he is still busy
    Ea nu este încă gata.
    she has not yet finished
  2. another
    A venit încă unul.
    another one has come

Appox. usage (any sense): 912 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 912 per million words

oricum Adverb, oricum

  1. (relative, or, of, manner) anyhow, no matter how, in any way, however
    Synonyms: orișicum (literary, uncommon), fiecum (rare)
    ―Să fac proiectul pe hârtie sau la calculator?<br>―Oricum.
    “Should I do the project on paper or on the computer?” “Either way”.
    Oricum ar părea, Pământul este rotund.
    No matter how it might seem, the Earth is round.
  2. either way, even so, still
    Synonyms: și-așa, tot

Appox. usage (any sense): 232 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 232 per million words

nemișcat Adjective, nemișcat

  1. still, unmoved

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.372 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.372 per million words

totuși Conjunction, totuși

  1. nevertheless
  2. however; still; all the same

Appox. usage (any sense): 11.6 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 11.6 per million words