spre Preposition, spre

  1. to, towards (spatially)
    Pornesc spre școală.
    I'm setting off for school.
  2. towards, around (temporally)
    Spre iarnă.
    Towards winter.
  3. for, in order to
    Synonyms: pentru, ca să
    Se duce spre a cerceta personal.
    He/she is going in order to investigate himself/herself.
  4. to (Used to indicate a resulting feeling or emotion.)
    Synonyms: încât
    I-a dăruit o carte spre marea lui bucurie.
    He/she gifted him a book to his big delight.
  5. Used to form the Romanian numbers from 11 to 19.

Appox. usage (any sense): 352 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 352 per million words