de Preposition, de

  1. of
    Beau o ceașcă de ceai.
    I’m drinking a cup of tea.
    Este profesor de matematică
    He’s a teacher of mathematics.
  2. (only before spatial adverbs and prepositions) Indicates source of motion or origin: from
    Stația nu este departe de aici.
    The station is not far from here.
    Apa picură de sus.
    The water drips from above.
    Prefer mâncarea de acolo.
    I prefer the food from there.
    Sunetul trebuie să vină de altundeva.
    The sound must be coming from somewhere else.
    Gloanțele acestea nu sunt bune decât de aproape.
    These bullets are only good from a short distance.
    Seara la ora de vârf toată lumea se întoarce de la serviciu.
    In the evening during rush hour everybody is returning from work.
    Ia plasa de lângă radiator! O să se topească!
    Take the bag away from near the heater! It will melt!
    O foaie de hârtie poate fi trasă repede de sub un pahar.
    A sheet of paper can be quickly pulled from under a glass.
  3. (with adverbs of time, precisely referenced time-related nouns or prepositions or conjunctions of time) of, from, ’s
    Ziua de mâine va fi mai bună decât ziua de azi.
    Tomorrow will be better than today.
    literally the day of tomorrow”, “the day of today
    Întâlnirile de mâine, de marți și de săptămâna viitoare se amână.
    Tomorrow’s, Tuesday’s and next week’s meetings are being postponed.
    Arhiva este plină cu documente de demult.
    The archive is full of documents from long ago.
    Știrile acestea sunt de anul trecut.
    These news are from last year.
    Mă uit la poze de dinainte să mă fi născut.
    I’m looking at photos from before I was born.
    Retrăiesc amintiri de când eram copil.
    I’m reliving memories from when I was a child.
    Anii de după Revoluție au fost grei.
    The years from after the Revolution were difficult.
  4. for (intended for a certain destination)
    În magazin hainele de bărbați sunt în stânga, iar cele de femei în dreapta.
    In the shop, men’s clothes are on the left, while women’s are on the right.
    Ai cizme de lucru?
    Do you have work boots?
    Unele lemnuri sunt bune de tâmplărie, altele sunt bune de foc.
    Some woods are good for woodworking, others are good for firewood.
  5. Marks the point of action of a force of grip: by.
    Nu lua iepurele de urechi.
    Do not grab the rabbit by the ears.
    Plăcile se prind numai de margini.
    Vinyls are held by the edges only.
    L-a mușcat câinele de mână.
    The dog bit him by the hand.
  6. : by.
    Asta e mâncare făcută de mine.
    This is food made by me.
    Avionul este acum controlat de autopilot.
    The plane is now controlled by the autopilot.
  7. Introduces the author of a work: by.
  8. Connects a cardinal numeral who is a multiple of 100 or whose tens are greater than 1 to the determinated noun.
    Suma este de două sute șaisprezece lei și patruzeci și patru de bani.
    The sum is 216 lei and 44 bani.
  9. Forms an adverbial numeral with ori or dăți.
    De câte ori a bătut ceasul? De șase ori.
    How many times did the pendulum clock strike? Six times.
  10. Precedes numbers and letters when they are themselves counted.
    Dacă ai un opt, o să îți trebuiască trei de zece ca să îți iasă media zece.
    If you have one grade of 8 (equivalent of a B), you’ll need three 10s (equivalent of an A) to still get an average grade of 10.
    „Nu fi” nu se scrie cu doi de i, ci cu unul.
    isn’t written with two i’s, but with one.
  11. Connects most adverbs other than certain basic ones to the determinated adjectives or adverbs.
    Motocicleta merge destul de repede.
    The motorbike is going pretty fast.
    Casa aceasta are o culoare nepotrivit de intensă.
    This house has an inappropriately bright colour.
  12. (before numerals, designations of time or the word atât) than
    Război și pace are mai mult de o mie de pagini.
    War and Peace has more than a thousand pages.
    A trecut mai puțin de jumătate din vacanță.
    Less than half of summer break has passed.
    Nu se poate mai devreme de luna viitoare.
    It isn’t possible any earlier than next month.
    Poți chiar mai bine de atât.
    You can do even better than that.
  13. Marks the starting point of a state or recurring event: since, starting, as of.
    de acum încolo: from now on
    Curentul e tăiat de ieri.
    The power is cut since yesterday.
    Noii angajați încep de săptămâna viitoare serviciul.
    The new employees are beginning work starting next week.
  14. Marks the duration of a state or recurring event persisting to the present: for, in
    Compania noastră este prezentă în România de șase ani.
    Our company has been present in Romania for six years.
    Nu te-am mai văzut de multă vreme.
    I haven’t seen you in a long time.
  15. (only of festive dates) on
    De Anul Nou sau de 1 Mai se petrece.
    On New Year or May Day one celebrates.
    Mi-am luat concediu de ziua mea de naștere.
    On my birthday I took a day off.
  16. (informal) synonym of despre (about, of)
    Ce știe lumea de economie?
    What do people know about economy?
    Tocmai vorbeam de tine.
    We were just talking about you.
  17. (informal) Connects an often negative qualifier to a noun or pronoun: of a.
    Aici stă un nesuferit de moș.
    Here lives a jerk of an old man.
    Prostul de mine, am uitat.
    Foolish me, I forgot.
  18. Stands between two repetitions of a unit of time to mark it as an interval of regular repetition: by.
    zi de zi: day by day, daily
    an de an: year by year, annualy
    Minut de minut se aude semnalul.
    The signal is heard every minute.
    literally minute by minute
  19. Indicates a specific train by its origin station.
    Trenul de Timișoara face cincisprezece ore până la Iași.
    The Timișoara train takes fifteen hours to Iași.
  20. Indicates the recipients of an equal distribution: per.
    Rația e de 2 litri de apă de persoană.
    The ration is 2 litres of water per person.

Appox. usage (any sense): 29800 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 29800 per million words

după Preposition, du

  1. behind
    stau după tine
    I'm standing behind you
  2. after
  3. by
    o cunosc doar după nume
    I know her only by name

Appox. usage (any sense): 1090 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 1090 per million words

alături Adverb, alături

  1. by, next to
  2. side by side

Appox. usage (any sense): 88.6 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 88.6 per million words

via Preposition, via

  1. via, by

Appox. usage (any sense): 8.66 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 8.66 per million words

de către Preposition, de către

  1. by (through the action or presence)

Usage unknown

Usage unknown

de la Preposition, de la

  1. from (spatial, relational, causal)
    Synonyms: de, din
    (not interchangeable)
    Au furat ceva de la casa ta.
    They stole something from your house.
    Am învățat mult de la tine.
    I've learned a lot from you.
    Am obosit de la citit.
    I'm tired from reading.
    de la A la Z
    from A to Z
    de la distanță
    from afar
  2. from, since (temporal)
    Synonyms: de, din
    (not interchangeable, see notes)
    Este treaz de la ora opt.
    He is awake since eight o'clock.
    de la început
    from the beginning
  3. by (instrumental)
    de la sine
    by itself
  4. Word to join the parts of a compound; sometimes corresponding to "of".
    Synonyms: de
    buzunar de la pantalon
    pant pocket
    apă de la robinet
    tap water
    abatere de la lege
    breach of law

Usage unknown

Usage unknown