link Noun, n, link

  1. link

Appox. usage (any sense): 2.93 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 2.93 per million words

legătură Noun, f, legătu

  1. connection, link, correlation, relationship of cause and effect
    Synonyms: conexiune
    a se afla în strânsă legătură cu: to be closely tied to
    a face legătura: to make the connection
    a pune în legătură: to correlate, link
    Legătura dintre venit și fericire este evidentă.
    The link between income and happiness is obvious.
    Se investighează legătura poluării fonice cu bolile cardiace.
    The connection between noise pollution and heart disease is being investigated.
    Jurnaliștii au făcut legătura între politicile sale și donatorii către campania lui.
    The journalists made the connection between his policies and his campaign donors.
    Charles Darwin a pus în legătură habitatul și adaptarea.
    Charles Darwin linked habitat with adaptation.
    literally Charles Darwin put habitat and adaptation in connection.
  2. connection of similarity, something to do with
    Synonyms: treabă (informal)
    a avea legătură cu: to have something to do with
    a nu avea nicio legătură cu: to have nothing to do with
    Ce legătură are industria cu politica?
    What does industry have to do with politics?
    literally What connection does industry have with politics?
    Ce zici tu nu are nicio legătură cu ce zic eu.
    What you’re saying has nothing to do with what I’m saying.
    literally has no connection
    Nu prea există o legătură între teorie și practică.
    Theory doesn’t have much to do with practice.
    literally There isn’t much of a connection between theory and practice.
  3. human relationship, relation, connection, bond
    Synonyms: relație, raport
    a ține legătura: to keep in touch
  4. (chiefly in collocations) contact, link, attachment, connection
    de legătură: linking, intermediary, connecting
    a face legătura: to connect, bridge, be the link
    Între cele două bazine este un tub de legătură.
    Between the two vats there is a connecting tube.
    literally a tube of connection
    Aici se vorbește un grai de legătură între cel moldovenesc și cel ardelenesc.
    Here is spoken a dialect intermediary between the Moldavian and Transylvanian one.
    literally a dialect of link
    Biochimia face legătura între chimie și biologie.
    Biochemistry bridges chemistry and biology.
    literally Biochemistry makes the contact between chemistry and biology.
    Punctul de legătură va fi sudat.
    The point of contact will be welded.
  5. (telecommunications, logistics) connection, line
    a îi da legătura: to put through, to connect
    a îi face legătura cu: to put through with
    a pierde legătura: to lose connection
  6. bundle (group of objects tied together)
  7. bundle (package or sack for carrying)
    Synonyms: boccea
  8. (chemistry) bond
  9. (Internet) hyperlink, link
    Synonyms: link
  10. binding of a book
  11. (now technical) tie, belt, loop (something that binds)
  12. (historical) person who, during the illegal operation of the Romanian Communist Party (1924–1944), would covertly mediate contact between members and Party higherups
  13. (plural, uncommon) connections (useful acquiantances)
  14. (rare) synonym of legare (tying, binding)
  15. (plural) fetters, shackles
  16. (figurative, now, rare) captivity, yoke, slavery
    Synonyms: robie
  17. (now, uncommon) kerchief
  18. (dated) necktie
    Synonyms: cravată
  19. (skiing) ski binding
  20. (nautical, uncommon) rope
    Synonyms: odgon, parâmă
  21. (obsolete) agreement, accord, understanding
  22. (obsolete, or, historical) pact, treaty
    Synonyms: pact, tratat
  23. (obsolete) promise, obligation
  24. (obsolete) contract
  25. (obsolete) alliance
    Synonyms: alianță
  26. (medicine, obsolete) bandage
    Synonyms: bandaj, pansament
  27. (medicine, obsolete, or, regional) poultice, cataplasm
    Synonyms: cataplasmă
  28. (anatomy, obsolete) ligament
  29. (figurative, plural, obsolete) prison
  30. (obsolete, or, regional) spell, curse
    Synonyms: vrajă
  31. (obsolete, rare) bet
    Synonyms: pariu, prinsoare, rămășag
  32. (grammar, obsolete) conjunction
    Synonyms: conjuncție

Appox. usage (any sense): 285 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 285 per million words

verigă Noun, f, veri

  1. link, ring

Appox. usage (any sense): 2.48 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 2.48 per million words

janc Noun, n, janc

  1. connection, bond, link, conjunction

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

jbranț Noun, n, jbra

  1. connection, bond, link, conjunction

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

veriguță Noun, f, veriguță

  1. diminutive of verigă; small link

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words