Appox. usage (any sense): 27.6 per million words
bătaie Noun, f, bătaie ▼ ▶
- beating
fight, scuffle, scrimmage (informal, spontaneous, mutual physical aggression)
Iar te uiți la videoclipuri cu bătăi pe internet?Are you watching fight videos on the internet again?
range, reach of a device
Lupul e acum în bătaia puștii.The wolf is now in the gun’s range.
beat, stroke, rhythmical movement
bătaia inimii: heartbeatbătăi pe minut: beats per minuteFrecvența bătăii aripilor unei păsări depinde de mărimea ei.A bird’s wing flapping frequency depends on its size.
knock (such as on the door)
bătaie la ușă: knock on the door
- (archaic) synonym of bătălie (battle)
Appox. usage (any sense): 59.7 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 59.7 per million words