pierdut Adjective, pierdut

  1. lost
  2. (of colors) pale, faded
  3. (of the eyes) blank, stray

Appox. usage (any sense): 360 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 360 per million words

maidanez Noun, m, maidanez

  1. (familiar) stray dog, feral dog

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.39 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.39 per million words

abate Verb, abate

  1. to stray (often figuratively in a moral sense), derogate, deviate, divert from, digress
    Synonyms: devia, îndepărta
  2. to change paths, swerve from, wander from
  3. (reflexive) to stop (going a certain way)
    Synonyms: opri
  4. to dissuade
  5. to knock down
    Synonyms: dărâma, da jos

Appox. usage (any sense): 11.7 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 11.7 per million words

hârbar Adjective, hârbar

  1. (colloquial) stray (about dogs)

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

răzlețit Adjective, răzlețit

  1. stray

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

răzleț Adjective, răzleț

  1. isolated, separate, out of the way
  2. solitary, lonely
  3. lost, stray

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.015 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.015 per million words