pizdă Noun, f, pizdă

  1. (vulgar, _, slang) cunt, pussy (the external female genitalia and vaginal opening)
    a fute calul în pizdă
    to be fucked (to get in trouble)
    literally to fuck the horse in the cunt
    Ai futut calul în pizdă, tipule!
    You're fucked, dude!
    doare-n pizdă
    I don't/she doesn't give a fuck
    literally hurts in my/her cunt
    Mă doare-n pizdă de opinia ta.
    I don't give a fuck about your opinion.
    du-te-n pizda mă-tii
    literally go into your mom's cunt
    Prostule, du-te-n pizda mă-tii.
    Dummy, go fuck yourself.
    dat în pizda mă-sii
    literally given in the mother's cunt
    E o problemă dată în pizda mă-sii.
    It's a fucked up problem.
    ce pizda mă-sii
    literally what the mother's cunt
    Nu știu ce pizda mă-sii vor.
    I don't know what the fuck they want.
  2. (vulgar, pejorative) cunt, bitch (an extremely unpleasant woman)
    Ce vrei? Pizdo.
    What do you want? Bitch.
    Nu-mi place de acea pizdă.
    I don't like that cunt.
  3. (vulgar, pejorative) pussy (a cowardly or effeminate man)
    Nu a vrut să se bată că e pizdă.
    He didn't want to fight because he's a pussy.
  4. (vulgar, pejorative) woman, bitch
    Pizdele mă iubesc.
    Women love me.
    Tocmai m-am combinat cu o pizdă.
    I just hooked up with a bitch.

Appox. usage (any sense): 4.15 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 4.15 per million words