incita Verb, incita

  1. to incite

Appox. usage (any sense): 3.82 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 3.82 per million words

îndemna Verb, îndemna

  1. to prompt, incite, goad, spur, urge
    Synonyms: îmboldi, mâna

Appox. usage (any sense): 4.27 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 4.27 per million words

întărâta Verb, întărâta

  1. to incite, stir, provoke, stimulate

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.655 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.655 per million words

asmuți Verb, asmuți

  1. (of dogs) to incite, rouse, prompt, urge, stimulate, spur to follow or attack something

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.36 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.36 per million words

înfierbânta Verb, înfierbânta

  1. to heat, make hotter
    Synonyms: încălzi, încinge
  2. to spark or light up
    Synonyms: aprinde, înfoca
  3. (figuratively) to provoke, incite
  4. (reflexive) to get heated, excited

Appox. usage (any sense): 2.26 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 2.26 per million words

ațâța Verb, ațâța

  1. to incite, rouse, stir up, instigate, provoke, excite

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.027 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.027 per million words

sumuța Verb, sumuța

  1. to incite

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

învita Verb, învita

  1. to incite, goad, urge, stimulate
  2. to provoke; to instigate
    Synonyms: provoca, instiga
  3. to awaken a desire (to do something) in someone
  4. (reflexive) to reunite with

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.042 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.042 per million words