închide Verb, închide

  1. to close
  2. to lock
  3. to turn off (electrical devices)
  4. (transitive) to confine, to incarcerate
  5. (intransitive) to heal over (of a wound)
  6. (reflexive) to withdraw, to retreat
  7. (reflexive) to darken

Appox. usage (any sense): 258 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 258 per million words

retrage Verb, retrage

  1. (reflexive, often, participle) to become retracted, pull back
    Ochii melcului se retrag la atingere.
    A snail’s eyestalks retract upon touch.
  2. (reflexive) to withdraw (leave a place)
  3. (reflexive, military) to retreat
  4. (reflexive) to retire, end one’s activity
  5. (transitive) to retract (pull back or in)
    Butonul acesta retrage cablul înapoi în aspirator.
    This button pulls the cable back into the vacuum cleaner.
  6. (transitive) to retract, recall (take back)
    Synonyms: retracta (formal)
    a își retrage cuvintele: to take back one’s words
    a retrage de pe piață: to recall from the market
  7. (transitive, banking) to withdraw money
    Synonyms: scoate (informal)
    Antonyms: depune
  8. (transitive) to revoke
    Synonyms: revoca

Appox. usage (any sense): 81.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 81.1 per million words