Appox. usage (any sense): 3900 per million words
doar Adverb, doar ▼ ▶
just, only, merely
Este doar un copil.He is only a child.Doar vreau niște lapte.I just want some milk.
(informal, in explanations) obviously, as is plain to see, after all
că doar: because obviously, for the obvious reason that…Cum să nu fie cald? Doar e vară.Why wouldn’t it be hot? It’s summer after all.Gustă, (că) doar nu mori!Taste it, it won’t kill you!Meseria asta e bine plătită, (că) doar altfel nimeni n-ar mai vrea s-o facă.This profession is well paid, nobody would want to do it otherwise after all.
(informal, in rhetorical questions, and, exclamations) surely
Cum de ești acasă? Doar n-ai terminat așa de devreme cu școala!Why are you at home? Surely you didn’t finish school this early!Doar nu e așa de rău, nu?Surely it can’t be that bad, right?
Appox. usage (any sense): 2680 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 2680 per million words