grăitor Adjective, grăitor ▼ ▶
(literal, literary, rare) that which speaks
1880, Mihai Eminescu, letter to Veronica Micle:
Sunt nepractic, sunt peste voia mea grăitor de adevăr, mulți mă urăsc și nimeni nu mă iubește afară de tine.: I’m impractical, I’m truth‐telling against my will, many hate me and nobody loves me but you.
2001, The Bible translated by Bartolomeu Anania, Proverbs 12:19:
Buzele care spun adevărul vor dăinui totdeauna, iar limba grăitoare de minciună numai pentru o clipă.: The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying (literally, ‘lie‐telling’) tongue is but for a moment.
1880, Mihai Eminescu, letter to Veronica Micle:
- telling, eloquent (revealing)
Appox. usage (any sense): 0.336 per million words
Appox. usage (any sense): 0.336 per million words