repeta Verb, repeta

  1. (transitive) to repeat (do again)
  2. (transitive) to repeat (say again)
  3. (reflexive) to repeat (happen again)
  4. (reflexive) to repeat oneself
  5. (ambitransitive) to rehearse, practice, drill
  6. (education) to retake

Appox. usage (any sense): 70 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 70 per million words

găuri Verb, găuri

  1. to drill, bore, perforate, pierce make a hole

Appox. usage (any sense): 15 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 15 per million words

fora Verb, fora

  1. to drill

Appox. usage (any sense): 2.84 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 2.84 per million words

mustră Noun, f, mustră

  1. (military) drill

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.796 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.796 per million words

sfredeli Verb, sfredeli

  1. to drill

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.087 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.087 per million words

burghiu Noun, n, burghiu

  1. drill
  2. borer

Appox. usage (any sense): 1.84 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 1.84 per million words

sfredel Noun, n, sfredel

  1. drill
  2. auger
  3. gimlet

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.144 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.144 per million words

bormașină Noun, f, bormași

  1. drill (tool)

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.018 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 0.018 per million words

sfredeluși Verb, sfredeluși

  1. to drill

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words