capră Noun, f, capră

  1. goat
  2. horse (gymnastic equipment)
  3. leap frog
  4. sawhorse

Appox. usage (any sense): 15.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): 15.1 per million words

șireglă Noun, f, șireglă

  1. (regional, Transylvania, Banat) The movable rear part of a wagon or cart in which fodder for draft animals is usually placed.
    Synonyms: codirlă
  2. (regional, idiomatic, Transylvania) Used within the idiom a fi căzut din șarig - To be stupid or dumb.
    Cred că Mihai e căzut din șarig.
    I think that Mihai is dumb.
  3. (regional) Wagon ladder.
    Synonyms: loitră
  4. (regional) Fodder trough fixed above the manger on the stable wall.
  5. (regional, by extension, used as șiriglă) Opening in the wall of a stable through which the cattle are fed.
  6. (regional, Transylvania, Maramureș) A wire braid (in the shape of a crate) attached to a sledge, in which forage is carried.
  7. (regional, Transylvania) A stretcher used to transport earth, gold ore, etc.
  8. (regional) Wooden stretcher on which a coffin carrying the dead is placed to be transported (to the church or cemetery).
    Synonyms: năsălie
  9. (regional) Wheelbarrow.
  10. (regional) Sawhorse used to carry a plough.

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words

Appox. usage (any sense): less than 0.1 per million words